Donate Today


Join us in our 2022 Give a pet a home donation event. Our mission is to give as many pets as we can a happy and responsible home. Every year over 6 million pets are abandoned or have entered the shelter in the US alone. Over 800,000 of those abandoned are euthanized each year. Join us today in lowering those numbers by donating to Give a pet home.

What do the donations go towards?

Each donation received will be used to increase shelter pet living conditions, Shelter awareness, and starting supplies for adopting pet owners. Many shelters usually contain small, cramped, and uncomfortable for many pets. Approximately 30% of donations will go towards renovating and increasing living conditions for pets entering any shelters. An additional 30% of donations will go towards increasing awareness and knowledge of pets living in shelters. The last 40% of donations will be used to pay for any adoption fees and provide each pet owner with all the necessary pet supplies for giving their pet a happy home.

Finding Homes

Each adoption will require pet owners to take a simple and quick pet-care test, ensuring every new owner takes home the proper knowledge for taking care of their new friend. Zora's Supply Shop will also offer 1 free month of pet check-ups for new pet owners to ensure their pets are healthy and happy in their new homes.

Accepting Donations

We accept donations of any amount to help towards Giving a pet home. Each donation will be matched up to $2,000 per donation by Zora's Supply Shop, in addition to donating 10% of any sales on food supplies for any pet.

Contact Us

Reach out to any of our staff members today or call 231-3733 for additional information

Donate Today